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Our Inspiration

Love Your Neighbor NOLA founder, Nadia Sanchez, lost her mother to a carjacking in New Orleans. Through her own tragedy, she and her family were inspired to teach people how to love themselves so that they may in turn love others. It is their hope that by providing a first line of care and support to families in underserved communities, they can positively impact families, as well as the larger community. Their life experience and awareness continues to drive and inspire the mission to show love, teach self love, and advocate for a kinder and gentler society.


You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Matthew 22:37-39

Building Functional Families

We recognize that families exposed to community violence don't want to be victims of their circumstance but may need help finding stability and accessible resources. Our organization works to provide tangible resources to alleviate the mental strain of poverty, while also providing supportive services. To learn more about the programs our organization provides, please visit the Programs page.

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The mission of our organization is to disrupt cycles of community violence. To do this, we help families meet basic needs in order to alleviate financial stress and shift their focus from surviving to thriving.


Introduce ourselves to the community through outreach and partnerships. This includes meeting with local social services representatives, daycare directors who share our information with parents, and hosting community events for local families.


Stock up on essentials for families in need. This is done through monetary fundraising and accepting in kind donations. Monetary donations also ensure we have a safe and consistent physical place for families to meet. Twice a month, we open our doors for caregivers to get what they need. We also collect names and contact information to keep in touch with families.


Assess families individual intangible needs. This includes meeting one on one with caregivers to determine manageable goals and provide support. We help caregivers access mental health services, seek employment, apply for daycare, plan for finishing their education, and more.


Watch families move from a cycle of surviving to self-sufficiency! Our goal is to see caregivers become peer mentors to new moms in our organization. They can discuss similar obstacles with one another and strategize outcomes based on their lived experience.


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