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Furthering our cause is the most important goal of our organization. We seek to support, empower, and provide high quality resources to our community in a safe and secure environment. Our success isn’t measured in terms of wealth or profit margin, but by the value we provide to those we serve. Learn more about what we do below.


The B.F.F. program provides caregivers essential needs for raising young children, including diapers, wipes, clothes, nursing items, car seats, and more. One aspect of this program includes biweekly community outreaches in which families in the neighborhood are encouraged to come to our office space and pick up essentials free of charge. At this time, they are able to connect with our program’s staff to discuss their needs, access tangible supplies, and connect with representatives from other community organizations.



Through the MOM project, we hope to offer one-on-one support to mothers who are interested in receiving the support and skills needed to become self-sufficient and successful parents. This will include monthly check-ins and outings where a mentor and mentee can discuss “life in the moment”, including parenting, new obstacles experienced by the family, and short-term and long-term life goals. Through the course of the mentor-mentee relationship, our hope is to help mothers take her next step, whether that is furthering her educational goals, rethinking the family budget, or enhancing their resume. Additionally, mentees will be invited to life skill classes


The MOM project is currently in its first session. Individuals interested in mentoring or being mentored should complete this form.



5630 Crowder Blvd Suite 101

New Orleans, La 70127


 Every second and fourth Saturday 11:00-1:00

Sunday: Closed​

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